The Children’s Books History Society

On 7th November, 1969, an Inaugural meeting of the British Branch of the Friends of the Osborne and Lillian H. Smith Collections was held in London at the Royal Overseas League. The Children’s Books History Society, as it became known in 1974, was founded by Brian Alderson, respected author, editor, critic, scholar and books editor of The Times (1967 – 1996), following a visit by Judith St John, Librarian of the Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books at Toronto Public Library. By January 1970 there were 32 members, including the Opies and Mrs Renier, famous collectors (Bodleian Library and the Victoria and Albert Library).
The Society exists to promote an appreciation of children’s books in their literary, historical and bibliographical aspects, and further to encourage a distribution and exchange of information on children’s literature. Visit to collections or events relating to authors and illustrators are arranged, and the Society organises annual one day conferences on some aspect of the history of children’s books. Three substantial Newsletters are issued to members annually, containing news of exhibitions, also reports of meetings, book reviews, articles as well as Occasional Papers.
CBHS is a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow book collectors, librarians, academics, reviewers and other lovers of children’s books. There is something for everyone so find out more and come to our events to see for yourself. Alternatively, subscribe and enjoy the publications and follow up your personal interests and research.
Recent Study Days ( in person and streamed) include ’Education and Children’s Literature’, ’Non-Fiction Children’s Books’ (including Puffin Picture Books) and ’Families in Children’s Literature’. Find out about our prestigious Harvey Darton Award. For further details see the website: Our Chair and Membership Secretary would be delighted to hear from you.